For effective protection, farmers are recommended to use long-acting drugs

After the end of the action of the fungicidal poison, farmers need to choose effective drugs to continue protecting crops.
This was reported by the specialists of the Ukravit company.
As the company notes, the end of the action of the fungicide leaves the sunflower and soybean crops defenseless against potential threats. Farmers will have to make efforts to protect yields from diseases. In the conditions of war, when there is a forced saving on production resources, a reduction in spraying and a lack of human resources, the situation becomes more complicated. These factors, as well as non-observance of crop rotation and hydrothermal conditions favorable for the spread of diseases, create an increased risk of crop losses due to diseases.
Oleksandr Myglovets, head of the Ukravit company's agricultural technology department, notes that farmers will have to "pass the baton" of disease protection to fungicides. Particular attention should be paid to drugs that simultaneously have a powerful preventive effect and are able to quickly localize already existing diseases. One such highly effective fungicide is Sinan, which contains pyraclostrobin (130 g/l) and difenoconazole (130 g/l).
"Pyraclostrobin is a local-systemic active substance with translaminar properties that blocks electron transport in the respiratory chain of mitochondria, leading to disruption of important biochemical processes in pathogens. "Difenoconazole, in turn, disrupts the dimethylation process during the synthesis of ergosterol, providing a long period of protective action," reports the expert.
Sinan fungicide is used to control the main diseases of sunflower and soybean. On sunflower crops, it is effective against fomosis, fomopsidosis, alternariosis, sclerotiniosis, rust and prophylactically against downy mildew. On soybeans, the drug is used against ascochitosis, anthracnose, septoriosis, cercosporosis, alternariosis, powdery mildew and prophylactically against peronosporosis. In addition, Sinan is an effective solution for the prevention and treatment of diseases of grain, rape, corn, peas and vegetable crops. It is important that this drug has a pronounced physiological effect, which has a positive effect on the state of cultures, ensuring their more complete growth and development.

"Farmers should carefully choose drugs to continue protecting their crops, taking into account their effectiveness and spectrum of action. Thus, they will be able to minimize the risks of crop losses and ensure the stable development of their crops," adds Oleksandr Myglovets.

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