Physico-chemical indicators:
  • Moisture - 14%
  • Fiber - 9%
  • Protein - 14-16%
  • Starch 27%
  • Ash - 4.5%
The price is 105$ / 95€ per ton
On average, 1 kg of wheat bran contains 0.75 feed units, 8.8-9.2 MJ of exchangeable energy, 151 g of digestible protein, and 2.0 g of calcium. 9.6 g of phosphorus, etc. Wheat bran is rich in trace elements and vitamins of group B. In terms of chemical composition and nutritional value, wheat bran is better than rye and even more so than rice bran.
Wheat bran is a good feed for all kinds of animals. They have a laxative effect on digestion.
Dairy cows can be fed bran of various types up to 4-6 kg per day. Horses can be fed only wheat bran up to 30-50% of the norm of oats. Pigs and birds use bran nutrients worse than other animals.
In compound feed and feed mixtures of rations, bran is included in the amount: for cattle - up to 30-40% (wheat), up to 10-20% (rye); for sheep - up to 20% (wheat), up to 10% (rye); for poultry (adults) - up to 15%, for young chickens from the age of 8 weeks, ducks and geese from the age of 4 weeks - up to 5%; for pigs - up to 10-15%, for horses - up to 10% and for rabbits - up to 15% (by weight).
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On average, 1 kg of wheat bran contains 0.75 feed units, 8.8-9.2 MJ of exchangeable energy, 151 g of digestible protein, and 2.0 g of calcium. 9.6 g of phosphorus, etc. Wheat bran is rich in trace elements and vitamins of group B. In terms of chemical composition and nutritional value, wheat bran is better than rye and even more so than rice bran.
Wheat bran is a good feed for all kinds of animals. They have a laxative effect on digestion.
Dairy cows can be fed bran of various types up to 4-6 kg per day. Horses can be fed only wheat bran up to 30-50% of the norm of oats. Pigs and birds use bran nutrients worse than other animals.
In compound feed and feed mixtures of rations, bran is included in the amount: for cattle - up to 30-40% (wheat), up to 10-20% (rye); for sheep - up to 20% (wheat), up to 10% (rye); for poultry (adults) - up to 15%, for young chickens from the age of 8 weeks, ducks and geese from the age of 4 weeks - up to 5%; for pigs - up to 10-15%, for horses - up to 10% and for rabbits - up to 15% (by weight).


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