Egypt contracted 120 thousand tons of Ukrainian wheat at a price of $301-302/t

According to market operators, Egypt's state food procurement agency GASC contracted 420,000 tons of wheat from four countries during the June 4 tender. Reported by apk-inform.

We will remind, in May at the tender, Egypt also bought 420 thousand tons of wheat, 360 thousand tons of which were of Russian origin.
As noted, this time Egypt did not contract Russian wheat, but purchased 120,000 tons of grain of Ukrainian origin (in batches of 60,000 tons) — from LDC (at $302.95/t C&F with delivery on July 5-15) and Nibulon (at $301.25/t C&F for delivery July 25-25).
Also purchased:
180,000 t of Romanian wheat in batches of 60,000 t from operators — CHS ($300.75/t C&F with delivery July 5-15), AMS Ameropa ($300.75/t C&F with delivery July 5-15) and ADM ($300.75/t C&F for July 15-25 delivery);
120 thousand tons of grain of French origin (in batches of 60 thousand tons) are to be shipped by operators Viterra ($304.25/t C&F with delivery July 5-15) and Bunge ($304.35/t C&F with delivery July 5-15 );
50,000 t of grain of Bulgarian origin at Buildcom at a price of $298.95/t C&F for delivery July 5-15.
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